The Easiest Way to Make Your Mastiff Healthier!
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October 28, 2021 
The questions about dog food are one of the most popular ones in the sphere of cynology. People wonder what food is the best for their lovely pets, homemade or commercial. So let's we talk a little about this controversial question.
So-called "commercial" dog food is the food which you can easily find in every dog store; its main advantage is that it saves our time and contains all the ingredients which are useful for a healthy canine. But there is a great risk in feeding your dog with such kind of food because dog food companies are not always sincere with their customers. For example, some time ago more than 100 brands of commercial dog food have been recalled after discovery of toxic substances which are likely to produce kidney failure and even death.
The alternative and, in fact, the natural way of feeding is homemade food. It takes a little research and a little preparation, but the benefits are enormous. Remember that dogs in the wild never had a complicated diet - they hunted, ate meat. Just provide your beloved Mastiff with the mix of meat, vegetables and starches. Be sure you will make his life happier and healthier!
Multifunctional Lightweight Mastiff Leather Harness

Are you going to train your Mastiff for tracking work? Or are you looking a light high quality harness for dog walking? Stop your choice on this Awesome Leather Harness which is perfectly suitable for both purposes! Light construction of this harness contributes for long-time wearing. Your dog’s movements and free breath will not be restricted. For more comfortable use, the harness is equipped with 4 solid buckles that you can fix for the proper fit, even if your doggy lose or gain weight occasionally.
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