How to Cope with Dog Aggression
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As you know many dog owners, even Mastiff ones, face a problem connected with dog aggression. Such bevahiors as growling, snarling, showing teeth, lunging and biting are considered to be unappropriate and need to be coped with. It is important to know that any dog can become aggressive, no matter of his breed or history, especially such dogs who have the violent past, like Mastiffs; they have tendecy to show an aggressive behavior towards people or other animals.
So if your Mastiff has aggressive behavior, first, you should consult your vet; it can be determined by severe health problems. If not, figure out what causes your pet's aggression. When it is done try to cope with the situations which provoke aggressive behavior. The main rule here is to be consistent, patient and positive; only following this rule you will reach success.

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